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Rear Quarter Glass Replacement

A quarter glass (also called a quarter lite or a valence window in earlier vehicles) is a side window. Whatever you call them, they’re an often-overlooked piece of glass that plays a crucial role in the vehicle’s safety and security, as well as providing the driver with all-around visibility. Quarter glass on either side of the load-carrying (or additional passenger) compartment can occasionally be opened to enable ventilation in vehicles.

In cars, the quarter glass is usually found next to the retractable window in the front door or rear door – they aren’t found in as many cars these days, and there is some overlap in functioning with front and rear vent glass. The term ‘quarter’ refers to the fact that they are roughly a quarter of the size of the main windows and are frequently triangular in design.

In the days before air conditioning, opening quarter glass was an important component of keeping cars cool and well-ventilated. The use of opening quarter windows in cars has generally been phased away with the introduction of in-car climate control and the necessity to attain the best possible gas mileage by simplifying the appearance of vehicles.

Windscreen Care is the finest place to go to locate an expert if you need your quarter glass repaired or replaced. We have skilled car glass specialists throughout London who works as call-out mobile vehicle glass technicians or from a nearby drive-in repair location, so they’re never far away. Our professionals can repair or replace almost any piece of car glass the same day or the following day, and our network is one of the best and most competent in the industry for quarter glass replacement and repair. All you have to do is request a no-obligation quote, and we’ll put you in touch with the automotive glass specialists in your region right away.

Our straightforward assessment system eliminates the need for you to spend time and effort looking for an estimate for the repair. There’s no need to search the internet for “quarter glass replacement near me” or call all of the local garages to see who can fit you in. Our network members will soon respond with a quote, and you may then proceed to make a reservation, it couldn’t be simpler. You also don’t worry about finding a reliable specialist to replace your damaged quarter glass because our network members are all certified and thoroughly trained to do it.

Our technicians propose call-out or drive-in facilities

Our goal is to provide our customers with completely hassle-free auto glass services, thus most of our members provide you with the option of choosing between a drive-in repair shop service or a call-out mobile alternative. Mobile specialists arrive in a van that is completely equipped for all types of automotive glass services, and as long as they can park safely and close enough to your vehicle, they may meet you wherever you are. Your driveway, work or retail parking lot, or even the side of the road are all popular options (space permitting). Except for particularly wet, cold, or humid weather, replacing a quarter glass may usually be done in most circumstances. In extremely bad weather, a drive-in to your local repair shop for a glass repair may be preferable, but your technician may advise you on the best option when you make your appointment.

If you choose a drive-in service at your local repair shop, you will benefit from an indoor waiting area where you can stay warm and dry while the work is being done. It’s usually preferable to waiting on the side of the road in bad weather. You can count on competent work done at a reasonable price.